Bizarre Stuff!
BAZAAR that is! But some might think these little albums made from Close To My Heart's My Acrylix stamp envelope bizarre! I think they are cute! First I want to give credit to one of my spa buddies - Shannon Pelletier for this wonderful idea! She made a bunch of these and brought them to us in Utah at our Retreat. They were so adorable I couldn't wait to get home and make a few myself. This turned out to be a perfect way for me to use my retired 6x6 paper samples and leftover stickease from other projects that I had. These two albums are made with Top Stitch (top left) and Tinkerin' (right). You can use old stamp envelopes or you can purchase these in packs of three from Close To My Heart. (Item # Z335 - 6x6 Paper Organizers) To make the album - first slice open the sides of the envelope so that it opens like a book. Cover the front and back with B&T paper. I found some CD size envelopes to adhere to the inside back ...