
Showing posts from March, 2020

Creating with Everyday Moments Cricut Collection

Have you seen our new Cricut Collection - Everyday Moments?  When Close To My Heart releases a new digital collection, it is EXCLUSIVE to Close To My Heart which means it can only be purchased through a Close To My Heart Consultant.  I love this new collection and have been creating alot with it.  This collection has four 12x12 scrapbooking layouts, seven 12x12 single page layouts, seven 8 1/2 x 11 single pages and three cards!  All you need to do is choose your papers, cut and assemble!  All designing has been done for you!  But you don't have to be limited to what you see in the collection!  I've created a few things already and have changed them up a little bit.  Today I decided to create a CARD using one of the scrapbooking images.  I chose this 8 1/2 x 11 page to create a card. First I pulled in the image onto my design space.  BEFORE I ungrouped the images, I sized it down until the height was 5 1/2".  This way I kne...

March April New Product Blog Hop

We have a brand new catalog to share!  With the new catalog comes a New Product Blog Hop that gives you a chance to see some of the new products used in creative projects!!  I'm excited to be sharing what I created!  If you came here from  Krista Hershberger's Blog  you are on the right path!  If you are just getting started right here, then look for the next link at the bottom of my post that will take you to the next blog.   This hop is a big circle so when you get back to me (or the blog you started with) then you will know you completed the hop!  Let's get started!  BTW, if you get lost along the way you can find the entire list of participants HERE . On March 1, I shared right here on my blog a project I created using the Stamp of the Month - Family Legacy.  This was only a small part of the project.  Today, I want to share the entire project with you! I created an Extended Story with our Yesterday & Toda...

March Stamp of the Month Blog Hop - Family Legacy

Welcome to our March Stamp of the Month Blog Hop! This month we are featuring Family Legacy, a set of 17 stamps! This hop is a big circle. If you came from Kathy Burrowsā€™ Blog you are on the right track! If you started with me, you will know you finished the hop when you get back to my post! Look for the next blog to hop to at the bottom of my post. If you get lost along the way, you can see all the participants HERE . This month's stamp coordinate beautifully with our March Featured paper collection - Yesterday & Today.   After I created the Yesterday & Today layouts from the Scrapbooking Workshop kit, I then created an Extended Story to go along with my pages.  This set was just perfect for accenting those pages.  Here is one of the pages from my extended story that uses 4x3 photos. I love the Extended Story added to an album.  This contains various sizes of memory protectors and incorporates alot of pictures into one story!...