Coming in 7 Days! Close To My Heart's Spring Summer Idea Book!
It's just 7 more days until Close To My Heart's newest release of the Spring Summer Idea Book goes live! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this issue! If you've been following my blog you've seen some sneak peaks of just a few of the products. I'm going to be posting more sneak peaks soon!
To celebrate the release I'm hosting an Open House! If you are local, come by and see all the new papers, accents and more! Take a minute to make a free card with the Stella paper and check out my Cash & Carry Clearance Items! Earn tickets for Fabulous Door Prizes! I'll be posting riddles on my blog and my facebook page. If you know the answer leave a comment. Earn a ticket for each correct answer! I'll be checking daily! Watch for my special EZinvite. Not on my mailing list? Sign up in the Newsletter Signup Box to the right.
Also, January through March is MAKE A MIRACLE MONTH! Since 2004, Close to My Heart has partnered with Operation Smile to provide free life-changing operations for children with fascial deformities. It takes as little as $240 dollars to provide a surgery and change a life forever. There are several ways you can help! 100% of your donation goes to Operation Smile
1. Place an order and round UP your total to the next dolar. The difference will go to Operation Smile.
2. Purchase one of my handmade cards at my Open House and 100% of the card purchase will be donated to Operation Smile
Stay tuned for more Open House Information and Prize Riddles!

To celebrate the release I'm hosting an Open House! If you are local, come by and see all the new papers, accents and more! Take a minute to make a free card with the Stella paper and check out my Cash & Carry Clearance Items! Earn tickets for Fabulous Door Prizes! I'll be posting riddles on my blog and my facebook page. If you know the answer leave a comment. Earn a ticket for each correct answer! I'll be checking daily! Watch for my special EZinvite. Not on my mailing list? Sign up in the Newsletter Signup Box to the right.
Also, January through March is MAKE A MIRACLE MONTH! Since 2004, Close to My Heart has partnered with Operation Smile to provide free life-changing operations for children with fascial deformities. It takes as little as $240 dollars to provide a surgery and change a life forever. There are several ways you can help! 100% of your donation goes to Operation Smile
1. Place an order and round UP your total to the next dolar. The difference will go to Operation Smile.
2. Purchase one of my handmade cards at my Open House and 100% of the card purchase will be donated to Operation Smile
Stay tuned for more Open House Information and Prize Riddles!
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