Just in Time for the 4th - Taking Fireworks Pictures!

An unsteady camera leads to blurry fireworks photos

Did you know Studio J has a blog?  It has some great tips and techniques just in time for July 4th!  I've always tried to take pictures of fireworks but they never seem to turn out.   This article on Studio J tells you all the ins and outs to taking great fireworks shots - SIMPLY! 
                                   Check out the article HERE at Studioj.com/blog

Don't forget!  Today is the last day to get your FREE JPG from Studio J.  Go now and give it a test run.  You will love it!  You have until August 15th to send me your FREE JPG for your chance to win a free 3 month membership to Studio J.

(fireworks photo compliments of StudioJ.com)


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